
I’ve never fit in a box.
I trust my intuition.
I’m a great listener.
I delight in ideas, challenges,
and figuring things out.
I have Spirit on
speed dial.

I would venture to guess that you are also adventurous, intelligent, crafty, clever, and fun. I suspect you’re even highly intuitive, whether you talk about it or not. I bet you also have big dreams, and probably have a hard time envisioning your future as there are so many things you are good at.

You, like me, are an Adventurous Rule Breaker who has always done life her own way.

Maybe you, like me, jumped from job to job in your 20s, not in an irresponsible way, but more like you had so many interests and talents they kept knocking at your door.

But, maybe you, like me, found in your 30s (+ 40s) life isn’t what you thought it was going to be.

You probably have a career or a company, that looks great on the outside but rather empty on the inside. You are intelligent, you’ve always done well and succeeded, you have a top tier education… so why do you still feel hungry?

Something’s missing but you just don’t know what it is… as you’ve done everything right, like you were supposed to. You played by their rules.

I get it.

It’s not what you thought it would be.

So, what do you do?

Now you’re ready to find that fire inside of you again. You’re ready to trust yourself fully. You’re ready to RISE and create your life on purpose. You’re ready to step in to your true calling. 100%.

Listen, I’ve been there!

It could have been the New Year’s Eve I spent alone, crying on my couch while trying to get clients into glamorous parties half a world away via my Blackberry. Or, the raw vegan chocolate company I started with great press and acclaim… and then realized I’m allergic to chocolate. Or that other New Year’s Eve, managing a celebrity filled restaurant– and just before midnight someone spilled an entire tray of champagne glasses on my head and I was soaked and covered in glass. Happy New Year!

Sometimes you find yourself in a place where it  doesn’t feel like your life. You’re not sure how you got there and you’re not sure how to get out. But, you know you MUST.

Maybe it’s a divorce or big break up that shakes you loose. Or your hustle has gotten you this far but you know there must be a better way to get where you’re going. You know in your heart that you were meant for something more than this… you’re nervous, unclear, but finally ready to put YOU FIRST. You’re ready to activate your full power.

You’re in exactly the right place.

When you’re in this moment of “what’s next?” Please remember what you do have is your SPIRIT, and your connection to Spirit. You’ve always been this powerful. You’ve always been this magnificent. You have your genius, your perseverance, and your ability to do things that others only dream of. You are courageous, even through your fear. You are whole in yourself and you have all you need to thrive… you have just had your signals crossed for a bit, and were playing by rules not meant for you.

It’s YOUR TIME. The only question is what do you want to do with it? How great of an impact do you want to create? What is your Empire going to look like? How do you want to serve? I’m so excited for you. This is the moment where everything can change.

You’ve got this.


  • BA in Self Designed Major: Visual Art and Performance, Trinity College, Hartford CT
  • Special Project Researcher, Metropolitan Museum of Art, NYC
  • Artist Assistant, Sol Lewitt, American Minimalist
  • Playwright/Director LaMama, ETC NYC
  • Advanced Study: School of the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, MA
  • Internationally Shown Video, Sound and Performance Artist
  • Member of a Professional Dance Company
  • Opened and Managed 5+ Celebrity Chef Restaurants in NYC
  • Director of Service, North America for Quintessentially Luxury Lifestyle Management
  • Coaching Certification, Institute for Integrative Nutrition, NYC
  • Began Full Time Solo Entrepreneurship in 2009 as a freelance Health Coach
  • Creator and Founder, Tory Marsh Chocolates, NYC, eponymous line of raw vegan chocolates
  • Consultant on Securing Half Million Dollar Investment for a Restaurant Start Up
  • Moved across the world with 2 suitcases, my laptop, and a heap of courage… alone. Berlin
  • Released first record! Collaboration with German Acid House Duo, Snuff Crew, Berlin
  • Coach, Wife, Mentor, Artist, Writer, Entrepreneur, Aunt, Sister, Daughter, Friend. Worldwide.